The Andrea Ingenito Contemporary Art Gallery – established in Naples in 2008 – overlooks near the central Piazza dei Martiri, which has always been a reference point for the most important Neapolitan galleries and a historic meeting place for international artists such as Keith Haring, Andy Warhol and Joseph Beuys. Since 2013 it has been joined by a second space in Milan, currently located in an area flood of important art galleries between Corso Buenos Aires and the central station, and since 2017 the gallery has become a member of ANGAMC, Associazione Nazionale Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea.
Through its many activities, such as institutional exhibitions, national and international fairs, exhibitions and editorial publications, the gallery gives space to young and historicized artists with a particular focus on the movements of the 1960s and 1970s, from Robert Indiana to Andy Warhol, from Mario Schifano to Giosetta Fioroni.
"Dynamism, quality, professionalism, elegance and constant artistic research are the characteristics of the two galleries"